Effects that last ‘until the end of turn’ and ‘this turn’ end at the same time.

The End Phase of a turn is divided into two steps. The second step is called the Cleanup step. In this step, players do not normally receive priority, and some actions are performed and effects end before the next turn begins.

In the cleanup step, after the active player discards down to his or her maximum hand size, those continuous effects that have a duration of ‘until end of turn’ or ‘this turn’ will end. These effects will end at the same time, and are treated the same. The difference in wording is due to grammar and to ensure that how they work is understood. It is not because the effects end at different times.

For example, the activated ability of a Feral Ridgewolf will end in this step. The effect generated by Autumn’s Veil will end at this time as well.

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