Thalia and Omniscience


Omniscience is a scary thing to have sitting across the table from you no

matter what the format. I cringe when I see it in Commander because it usually means there’s a whole freight train of hurt about to come my way, and precious little I can do to stop it. However, there is a way to at least slow down that freight train full of hurt, and her name is Thalia. Little miss Hatebear just loves to make noncreature spells cost more; usually this just works well in a creature-heavy deck to slow your opponent down, but Thalia will also put a little hindrance on Ominscience as well!

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben has an ability that will make all noncreature spells cost 1 generic mana more to cast. And yes, that even applies if you’re not paying any mana normally, whether that be due to Suspend or Cascade or Omniscience. With Thalia out, your opponent can still vomit his entire hand onto the board at a huge discount, but any of those noncreature spells he wants to cast [be they Sorceries, Instants, Enchantments, Artifacts, or Planeswalkers] will cost him 1 mana each. It’s not much, but when you’re staring down a big grip and an Omniscience, you’ll want all the help you can get!

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