Temporal Trespass And Rebound

Rebound is always great fun (for the player using it at least!)- you get double the spell, after all. Generally that doubling is factored into the cost, but when you use something like Narset Transcendent to apply Rebound to ‘normal’ spells, things can get pretty crazy. Who wouldn’t want to double up on their Treasure Cruises or their Dig Through Times? So, while we’re on the subject of big, expensive spells to Rebound, why not Temporal Trespass? Should be fun to potentially get 2 turns for only UUU. The thing is, that doesn’t actually work. Rebound changes how a spell resolves. Instead of going to the graveyard (which is the norm), the spell goes to exile instead and waits patiently for a second crack at things. Temporal Trespass, however, will never attempt to go to the graveyard on resolution. The last sentence in the card’s effect is just that- part of the effect. Trespass will exile itself before it would try to go to the graveyard, so Rebound never has a chance to apply! You’re better off just doubling your draw spells. Or if you’re playing Commander, throwing rebound onto your Time Stretch!

Today’s Rules Tip written by Trevor Nunez

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