How Tree of Redemption Works.

is a new card in Innistrad with the unique ability to exchange its toughness for your life total.Here’s how the process works: When Tree of Redemption’s activated ability resolves, your life total will become equal to the Tree’s total toughness (taking into account all effects that are currently modifying it). You will gain or lose […]

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How Morbid works.

Morbid is an new ability word introduced in Innistrad. Ability words used to connect abilities but without putting specific rules that govern the ability in the comprehensive rules. Everything you need to know about how Morbid works appears on each card. Morbid abilities can be static, triggered or activated and they can continuous, one-shot or […]

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Darkthicket Wolf’s ability can only be activated once per turn, regardless of who controls it.

‘s activated ability has a restriction on it preventing the ability from being activated more than once per turn. This restriction applies regardless of who controls it when the ability is played. For example, if Darkthicket Wolf’s ability is activated by Player A and then this Darkthicket Wolf is targeted by played by Player B, […]

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Bonds of Faith will give +2/+2 to a Human Werewolf

has a variable effect depending on the creature type of the creature that it is enchanting.  When attached to a creature with the subtype of human, it will give this creature +2/+2.  When attached to a non-human creature, that creature will be unable to attack or block. Some creature cards in Innistrad have the creature […]

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