Wooden’s Stakes triggered ability resolves before combat damage is dealt.

Abilities that trigger when a creature blocks or becomes blocked will do so in the declaration of blockers step. These abilities will go on the stack and resolve in that step and before the combat damage step. With something like this means that if a Vampire is blocked or blocked by a creature equipped with […]

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Sturmgeist’s ability does not immediately boost the combat damage it deals.

has three abilities: flying; a characteristic-defining ability that sets its base power and toughness; and a triggered ability that makes you draw a card when it deals combat damage to a player. In the combat damage step, it is important to note that abilities that trigger from combat damage being dealt will go on the […]

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Delayed triggered abilities

One unusual type of triggered ability is the delayed trigger ability. Delayed triggered abilities are created by spells and abilities (and some replacement effects). They are unique in that they wait around for a bit and then trigger at an appropriate time. Like other ‘normal’ triggered abilities they are recognizable by the words ‘when,’ ‘whenever,’ […]

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