Heroic Triggers Resolve Before the Spell

We’re continuing with the Theros mechanic theme this week, and today we’re covering Heroic (or at least one aspect of it!). The Heroic mechanic is a lot like Batallion, Landfall, Threshold, Morbid, etc. All of these things aren’t actually keywords like Flying and Trample; they have no actual inherent rules meaning. In fact, if you […]

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Elite Arcanist’s ability can trigger Young Pyromancer or Guttersnipe.

Today, for our Hump Day tip, we’re going to be looking at a Magic 2014 card with some potential: . The ability to repeatedly cast an instant is a powerful effect, and it has some synergy with some standard-legal cards, which brings us to today’s question. When you activate the Arcanist’s ability, you make a […]

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Wild Ricochet + Rakdos’s Return

I’m glad to see making a return to Standard; it’s such a fun card, and can lead to hilarious reactions when timed right (A friend of mine once used against a , spinning two lands back to the opponent’s deck and gaining 14 life). Sadly, it also can lead to some confusion! First off, Ricochet […]

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