How Reach works

Reach is a somewhat unusual keyword abilities for a few reasons. Like a few other keyword abilities, it has been around since the start of Magic–it just didn’t become a keyword ability until much later. Another unusual fact about reach is that it is specifically mentioned in the rules governing another keyword ability: flying. Reach, […]

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Transform (double-faced cards) is different from Morph.

Flipping cards over is not a new thing in Magic–the morph mechanic has been around since the Onslaught block. However, turning a card face-down is very different from transforming a double-faced card. These two effects are very different and do not interact at all (in fact, it’s impossible to ever turn a double-faced card face-down). […]

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What Transform means and how it works.

Transform is a keyword action that appears on the all of the double-faced cards and . Transform is not a keyword ability, as the word itself does not signify the entire ability; rather, it is a keyword action like cast, exchange and exile. When a creature transforms, it turns over. Its base characteristics are those […]

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How Morbid works.

Morbid is an new ability word introduced in Innistrad. Ability words used to connect abilities but without putting specific rules that govern the ability in the comprehensive rules. Everything you need to know about how Morbid works appears on each card. Morbid abilities can be static, triggered or activated and they can continuous, one-shot or […]

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How Flashback works

Flashback, a keyword ability that appears on instant and sorceries, is making its third trip back to Magic expansions tomorrow when Innistrad is released. To get you prepared for the prerelease here are some general rules on how Flashback works. Flashback is actually two different static abilities. The first creates an alternate play cost and […]

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