How Flash works.

Flash, (not flashback) was introduced as a keyword when TIme Spiral was released. Like Lifelink, Defender and a few other keywords, the mechanic had existed for a long time before it was given an official keyword. Flash appears on permanent cards and changes when you can cast them. Normally you can only cast permanent spells […]

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How Clash works.

Clash is a keyword ability that appears on cards from Lorwyn and Morningtide. Clash provides an added effect to these spells and abilities if the revealed top card of your library has a converted mana cost that is higher than the revealed top card of your opponents’ library. After these cards are revealed, each player […]

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Lifelink is not cumulative.

When initially introduced Lifelink was a triggered ability. If a permanent had multiple instances of lifelink, then each of these separate abilities would trigger independently ultimately causing the controller of of these abilities to gain more life than the damage dealt. However when the Magic 2010 base set was released how Lifelink works was changed. […]

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How Defender works

Defender is a keyword that has only existed since 2005, but the idea behind defender has existed since the very beginning of Magic. The ability is straightforward, creatures with Defender cannot attack. Prior to the existence of the keyword the concept existed and was represented by creature cards with the creature subtype of walls. It […]

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