Irrelephant Ambush

Anna and Nick are playing in a GPT. Anna casts . In response, Nick casts , targeting the Smiter. When Essence Scatter resolves, Anna puts the Smiter into her graveyard. She then attacks and Nick blocks. During her second main phase, Anna casts another spell, then passes the turn. Nick untaps and draws his card […]

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Save the Bestowaway!

Alex and Nick are playing at a Sealed PTQ. Alex attacks with a bunch of creatures, and before blockers are declared, Nick flash-Bestows a on his Minotaur. In response, Alex destroys the Minotaur with . Nick laments “Noooooo, my Bestowaway!!!” and proceeds to put both the Satyr and the Minotaur into his graveyard. Nick then […]

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