Hero of Bladehold has two combat triggered abilities.

Hero of Bladehold has two triggered abilities that trigger whenever the Hero attacks; the Battle Cry ability that gives +1/+0 to other attacking creatures and a separate trigger that puts two 1/1 token creatures into play attacking. Because these two triggered abilities trigger at the same time, the controller of Hero of Bladehold will determine the order that they go on the stack and the order that they resolve. With this card, the order that these triggered abilities resolve matters. If the Battle Cry ability is put on the stack last so it resolves first, then attacking creatures will get +1/+0 before the additional attacking token creatures a put into play by the other triggered ability. This means that these toke creatures will only be 1/1. However if the Battle Cry ability is put on the stack first so it resolves last, then these attacking token creatures will be in play when the +1/+0 effect is applied. In other words, make sure you specify the order of these triggered abilities when attacking with the Hero. (Hint: you almost always want the Battle Cry ability to resolve last.)

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