Pack order when booster drafting is now different.

The change in the order that packs would be opened when booster drafting was announced last October and with the release of Mirrodin Besieged this change is actually going into effect. Here’s a quick recap; when drafting a block instead of opening packs in the order that the sets came out, you will now draft packs in reverse order with the more recently released set opened first. For example, when drafting Scars of Mirrodin and Mirrodin Besieged, you will open the pack of Mirrodin Besieged first followed by two packs of Scars of Mirrodin. When the third set of Scars of Mirrodin block comes out (it has not officially been named yet, but its code name is ‘Action’) you will open the pack of ‘Action’ first, followed by the Mirrodon Besieged pack and finally the Scars of Mirrodin pack. This change will apply to all future blocks and it not something that applies to the Scars of Mirrodin block only.

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