Objects can have multiple permanent types.

Obejects (cards, spells and permanents in play) can have multiple permanent types. When an object does have more than one type it is important pay attention to the text of spells and abilities to determine if an object is affected. For example, Shatter can target and destroy a Chrome Steed. It does not matter that Chrome Steed is also a creature, the important part is that it is an artifact and it can be targeted and affected by spells and abilities that apply to artifacts.

Not all situations with multiple permanent types are this simple. For example, Disperse cannot target an animated Inkmoth Nexus. This Nexus may be a creature once its activated ability resolves, but it is still a land and cannot be targeted or affected by spells that cannot apply to nonlands. (This is similar to being unable to target a creature that is both black and another color, like Glissa , the Traitor with Doom Blade. It does not matter that Glissa is green, it is also black and therefore not nonblack.)

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