What ‘dies’ means.

With Magic 2012, a few cards are being written a bit differently. The word ‘dies’ will be used to refer to when a creature on the battlefield goes to the graveyard. Examples of this new terminology include the text on Goblin Arsonist and Sengir Vampire. This change is similar to when the word ‘cast’ was used on cards to indicate when a spell is played. Both of these changes reflect how players often referred to the game when talking.

Abilities that use this word are triggered abilities, as they all refer to something occurring when a creature goes to a graveyard from the battlefield. As you can tell from the examples above, it can be used on abilities for when a creature itself goes to a graveyard, or when other creatures go to a graveyard. ‘Dies’ is not used for non-creatures, when a creature goes to a specific graveyard, or when multiple permanents go to a graveyard.

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