How to choose objects at random

Many cards in Innistrad have effects where players have to choose a random card from a graveyard. Examples of cards with these abilities are Ghoulraiser, Make a Wish and Charmbreaker Devils. There are many ways to do this and not one specific way that is required by the tournament rules.

Separating the cards of the appropriate type or subtype and having a player choose one is not always the best method, as the choice is not always truly random. Players can either intentional or intentionally choose a specific card.

To enture that a random card is used it is a common practice to use dice. You can assign a number to each potential card and return the card that matches the die roll. If the initial die roll does not match one of the possible cards, simply re-roll.

It is important that both players are comfortable with whatever method is used to randomly pick these cards. If there is a disagreement or concern, call a judge and he or she can step in to help ensure a fair and unbiased method is used.

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