Zero damage can’t be avenged by Avenging Arrow.

Your opponent’s Signal Pest has been pestering you all game. Your deck doesn’t really have any flyers, so you have no way to block it. However, you just drew an Avenging Arrow, so your plan it to let the Pest attack next turn, then use the Arrow after combat damage to get rid of the Pest. Does this actually work?

Sadly for you, it does not. If a source would deal 0 damage, then it doesn’t deal any damage at all. In this situation, the Pest’s power is 0, so it won’t assign or deal any damage during the combat damage step. And because the Arrow can only target a creature that actually dealt damage this turn, you’re not going to be able to use the Arrow on the Pest, since it’s not a legal target for the Arrow.

Today’s Rules Tip written by Nate Long

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