Scab-Clan Giant in Multiplayer

The Gruul aren’t going wild for accuracy anytime soon, but here at the Rules Tips Blog, we sure are! For the next time you feel the need to get in a wild swing at your local casual multiplayer group, here’s some tips on how to properly resolve Scab-Clan Giant’s triggered ability.

  • You don’t choose an opponent when the ability goes onto the stack. Creatures controlled by any of your opponents are fair game! That also means that if you gain control of the target before the ability resolves, it’ll be countered on resolution, and no fight will happen. However, as long as an opponent controls that creature, it will fight — even if it’s a different opponent than when it was originally targeted.
  • The creature chosen must actually be a legal target. That means you can’t fight a creature with hexproof, or one that has protection from green, for example. No matter how much you may want to. What this means is you first figure out all the creatures that would be a legal target as the ability goes on the stack, and only randomly select among those creatures. You can’t even randomly choose an illegal target!
  • The target is chosen randomly as the ability goes on the stack, NOT as it resolves. This means everyone will know what is being targeted and will get a chance to respond to that ability on the stack (by making the target illegal in order to counter the ability, or by deciding to kill the Giant so the fight can’t happen, or by pumping the targeted creature to survive the fight).
  • How do you choose a creature at random when there are a dozen on the battlefield? Refer to Tuesday’s tournament tip!

Today’s Rules Tip written by Jen Wong

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