Another Jeleva tip! Probably the first question my playgroup asked me when Jeleva was spoiled many moons ago was something like “So… if I get a Time Warp with her, I pretty much win?”. You unfortunately don’t get to go machine-gunning spells all day every day with Jeleva; since there’s no special instruction on what to do with the spell that you cast via her ability, it just ends up where it normally would. Most of the time that’ll be the graveyard; sometimes it might be somewhere else (a Beacon will get shuffled back into its owner’s library, a
Praetor’s Counsel will end up in exile, etc.). Even for the cards that do end up exile, whether because they say so (the aforementioned counsel!) or due to something like
Rest in Peace, it wasn’t Jeleva’s ETB trigger that exiled them, so you won’t get to reuse them. Fire and forget, friends.
Today’s Rules Tip written by Trevor Nuñez
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