If you control two Pack Rats, for example, it wouldn’t be a very good idea to attack into your opponent’s three Soldier tokens created by Elspeth, Sun’s Champion. What your opponent can do is declare two Soldiers as double-blocking one Rat, then declare a single Soldier to “chump block” the other Rat. After combat damage is dealt and state-based actions are checked, the first Rat will die for being a 2/2 with 2 damage marked on it, and the second will survive as a 2/2 with a single damage marked on it. Or will it? State-based actions check repeatedly until no more actions need to happen, so what will happen after the first Rat dies is that the game will see a now-1/1 Rat with 1 damage marked on it, so the second Rat will scuttle off to the bin as well – all before anyone gets priority again.
Today’s Rules Tip written by Jen Wong