Thragtusk will give you a 3/3 if it leaves play for any reason (not just if it dies).

Thragtusk is one of the exciting new cards from M13 that everyone is talking about. Anyone who has been paying attention to Standard immediately sees that this guy is Birthing Pod‘s new best friend. What’s most interesting about this card is that it doesn’t have the word “dies” anywhere in its text box. Instead, it says “leaves the battlefield.” This means that, well, it doesn’t have to die in order to give you a 3/3! Even if it gets Vapor Snagged back to your hand or put on the bottom of your library by Terminus, you will get a 3/3. This even works if you Cloudshift it, or use Restoration Angel‘s Triggered ability. In both of these last two cases, you will also gain 5 life again! C-C-C-Combo!

Today’s Rules Tip written by
Jess Dunks, Level 2 judge from Fairfield, CA

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