Teysa will create a token even if the creature is regenerated or indestructible.

Guild champions were promised to us early on, and most of them deliver. They’re legendary creatures, one from each Ravnica guild, with big splashy effects. One of the first ones revealed was the new . She costs seven mana, but she’s hard to take down, and she dissuades attacks. Her triggered ability destroys creatures that […]

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Rot Farm Skeleton’s ability can only be activated from the graveyard.

Generally, a permanent’s abilities only work while the card is on the battlefield, not in any other zone. There are some exceptions. One is if the ability only makes sense in another zone. For instance, has an ability that says it can’t be countered. While it doesn’t explicitly say that it only works while it’s […]

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Rest in Peace will exile itself when it gets destroyed.

: Really annoying card against graveyard-based strategies… but it can still be destroyed. You might be interested to know where it ends up, though. At the time the Rest in Peace would be destroyed, its effect is still applying, so it’ll be exiled by its own ability rather than go to the graveyard. Thankfully, this […]

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