How Buyback works

Buyback is a keyword first used in Tempest block, which was released just under 14 years ago. It is similar to other keyword mechanics, in that it allows you to get some additional use out of the instants and sorceries in your deck. Technically speaking, buyback is two abilities. The first is one that allows […]

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When you gain life with Engulfing Slagwurm’s ability.

‘s ability triggers whenever it blocks or becomes blocked by a creature. (As mentioned in a previous rules tip, this ability will trigger once for each individual creature that blocks it or for each creature it blocks.) When this ability resolves, the specific blocked or blocking creature is destroyed and the controller of the Slagwurm […]

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Quest for the Holy Relic and a Living Weapon; where does the equipment end up?

and any living weapon equipment, like , have what appears to be a contradictory interaction regarding where the searched for equipment end up. When a Quest for the holy Relic has five quest counters on it, the controller of the Relic can sacrifice the Relic to search through his library for an equipment card and […]

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