At the beginning of the end step vs until the end of turn.

There are a few things that happen at the end of every turn; players discard down to their maximum hand size, damage on creatures goes away etc. One area that often confuses players is the difference between effects that last until the turn ends and triggered abilities that trigger at the end of a turn. […]

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How Flash works.

Flash, (not flashback) was introduced as a keyword when TIme Spiral was released. Like Lifelink, Defender and a few other keywords, the mechanic had existed for a long time before it was given an official keyword. Flash appears on permanent cards and changes when you can cast them. Normally you can only cast permanent spells […]

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Meddling Mage’s ability does not counter spells.

‘s ability prevents the named spell from being cast. This means that it prevents a player from announcing spells with that name. This ability does not affect permanents in play at all or spells on the stack that have been legally played. If your opponent plays a spell, you cannot put a Meddling Mage into […]

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Tokens do go to the graveyard when destroyed.

Token creatures are actual creatures and they will cause relevant abilities to trigger when they leave play. For example, ‘s ability will trigger when a token creature controlled by an opponent goes to the graveyard. This also applies if the source of the ability itself goes to the graveyard. If a token copy of a […]

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