Blood Moon and Dryad Arbor

Modern Madness continues, if you hadn’t caught onto this week’s theme. Since the manabases in Modern can get greedy with their shocks and fetches and other color-providing wonder, is a common sideboard hate card to punish those greedy manabases. A whole board of colorfixing goodness, turned into nearly worthless Mountains for the low low price […]

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Tournament Tuesday: Dark Confidant at Competitive REL

As expected, Modern Masters has created quite a stir, and we’re looking at GP Las Vegas in just a couple of weeks, where Modern Masters sealed will be the format. On top of that, there’s plenty of people drafting their MM boxes right now, and a lot of people looking to get into the format […]

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Melira and Inkmoth Nexus

Infect! Quite the polarizing mechanic in most areas, it was either considered laughably bad or stupidly broken depending on who you were talking to. It’s gained some traction lately with eggs-in-one-basket rush decks, especially in Modern, and it’s possible you might run into a Pod deck running and you want to know how it interacts […]

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Understanding Possibility Storm

Oh, the possibilities! is already a favorite of mine because of the sheer hilarity and chaos it can cause. It’s also seeing play in several EDH decks for that same reason, and even made an appearance at the most recent Pro Tour due to its ability to blank in some matchups. So with the possibility […]

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Sunpetal Grove Loves Hallowed Fountain

Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shock. Today we get to explore something that didn’t really come up much until we Returned to Ravnica and had the Shocklands back in Standard alongside the M10 and Innistrad ‘taplands’. One of the reasons that the shocklands are so amazing as far as color-fixing […]

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Elvish Archdruid Won’t Trigger Gyre Sage

If there’s one thing Elves love [beyond having Hobbits do their dirty work, but that’s another plane entirely], it’s mana. Lots and lots of mana. Enormous, obscene piles of green mana, ready to be converted into an astoundingly large spell, or into many little elves, who will make even more mana. Continuing the trend of […]

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