Brave the Elements, Gods Willing, and Auras

Back when Zendikar block was still in standard, was one of my favorite cards. We may have that back, but we also have , which grants protection to just one of your creatures, but that creature needn’t be white (plus you get to Scry 1). Now, we’re also in a Standard heavy with Auras and […]

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Bestow and Cost Modification

All right, the dust from Theros has more or less settled, and everyone’s got a pretty good feel for the mechanics. But there are some nitpicky things that might not come up often, that you’re unsure how to handle. For example, when does a spell cast for its Bestow cost ‘count’ as the appropriate kind […]

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Devotion and Counterspells

By far the biggest chunk of questions I’ve gotten from my players and my threads the past week are all about the last mechanic we’re covering this week (sorry, Scry): Devotion. Devotion is more or less a reworking of Chroma, an ability word from back in Lorwyn block. Put simply, “Devotion to COLOR” is measured […]

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Two Syphon Slivers are the same as one.

There are some keyword abilities that are useful in multiples. Generally speaking, it’s the triggered abilities (like Exalted or Flanking) that make sense to have more than one. Static abilities that modify power/toughness (like or ) also make cumulative sense. However, there are also many abilities that are useless when duplicated. Things like Trample, First […]

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M14 Rules Changes! Making “indestructible” an ability

In the post-Magic 2014 world, “indestructible” is now a keyworded ability! Instead of cards having the wording “Darksteel Ingot is indestructible”, the Ingot now simply has the ability “indestructible.” The indestructible ability does the exact same thing that “this permanent is indestructible” used to: a permanent with indestructible can’t be destroyed by lethal damage or […]

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