Commander Week: Phage the Untouchable (But NOT Uncastable!)

Welcome to Commander Week, 2015! In honor of the deluge of Commander 2015 spoilers (and the release of the decks themselves next week), we’ll be doing a whole week of Commander fun here on the rules blog. First, we’re gonna start with a rather unconventional choice of Commander- . Phage is pretty scary- she’s got […]

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All About Converge

Welcome back! For today’s Battle for Zendikar mechanic tip we’ll be covering Converge! Converge works very similarly to the Sunburst mechanic from Fifth Dawn- the more colors of mana you sink into the spell, the stronger it gets. For Sunburst that meant charge counters and +1/+1 counters; for Converge, it just means more of everything! […]

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Awaken: One Land, or Many!

Welcome back to the Rules Tips Blog! This week we’ll be discussing the new mechanics from Battle for Zendikar, starting with Awaken today! Awaken is an alternate cost found on Instant and Sorcery spells, costing more than the ‘normal’ cost. If you cast the spell for the alternate “Awaken” cost, you get the added effect […]

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Skullcrack vs. Dragon’s Claw

Sideboard hate: it’s a time-honored tactic to fill your sideboard with narrow cards that totally hose specific decks to improve your matchups. Some are completely devastating ( or against a reanimation strategy, for example), while some are just really good at tripping the deck up. is such a card- part of a cycle commonly called […]

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