Activated Abilities: How Many Times They Can Be Used

“How many times can I use my creature’s ability? Just once?” I’ve heard that one a lot, especially among newer players; they want to know how many times they can activate a given ability per turn. The answer is pretty simple: As  many times as you can pay for it! The vast majority of activated […]

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Brave the Elements, Gods Willing, and Auras

Back when Zendikar block was still in standard, was one of my favorite cards. We may have that back, but we also have , which grants protection to just one of your creatures, but that creature needn’t be white (plus you get to Scry 1). Now, we’re also in a Standard heavy with Auras and […]

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Bestow and Cost Modification

All right, the dust from Theros has more or less settled, and everyone’s got a pretty good feel for the mechanics. But there are some nitpicky things that might not come up often, that you’re unsure how to handle. For example, when does a spell cast for its Bestow cost ‘count’ as the appropriate kind […]

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