Learn about Alpine Moon, the Moon that came before it, and how they can ruin an opponent's day!
Tag: Blood Moon
Blood Moon in a Modern Environment
Hello everyone! Today’s tip is a bit different. I’m going to link to an article by our very own Nathan Long because it clearly answers a lot of questions people have about Blood Moon, specifically as it pertains to the Modern format. Enjoy! http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2013/06/18/blood-moon-in-a-modern-environment/
Blood Moon doesn’t remove the Artifact type from Darksteel Citadel.
Blood Moon is pretty powerful, but it can't do everything. While it can make a Darksteel Citadel stop being indestructible, it can't stop it from being an artifact!
Blood Moon and Dryad Arbor
Modern Madness continues, if you hadn’t caught onto this week’s theme. Since the manabases in Modern can get greedy with their shocks and fetches and other color-providing wonder, is a common sideboard hate card to punish those greedy manabases. A whole board of colorfixing goodness, turned into nearly worthless Mountains for the low low price […]