Mirror-mad Phantasm refers to itself and cards with its name.

When a card refers to itself by name, it really means ‘this object.’ For example, ‘s ability gives +2/+2 to itself. There are some situations where this distinction matters. For example, if were to copy this Darkthicket Wolf, the ability on Sakashima would effectively read ‘2G: ~This~ gets +2/+2 until the the end of turn.’ […]

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Darkthicket Wolf’s ability can only be activated once per turn, regardless of who controls it.

‘s activated ability has a restriction on it preventing the ability from being activated more than once per turn. This restriction applies regardless of who controls it when the ability is played. For example, if Darkthicket Wolf’s ability is activated by Player A and then this Darkthicket Wolf is targeted by played by Player B, […]

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