Rest in Peace will exile itself when it gets destroyed.

: Really annoying card against graveyard-based strategies… but it can still be destroyed. You might be interested to know where it ends up, though. At the time the Rest in Peace would be destroyed, its effect is still applying, so it’ll be exiled by its own ability rather than go to the graveyard. Thankfully, this […]

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“Eggs” vs. Rest in Peace – Know when NOT to draw.

These two artifacts look very similar, and both see play in the popular and successful “Eggs” deck in Modern. But since is also a very popular sideboard card, you should be careful to note the difference! is rather unique. It includes “Draw a card.” in the same ability as “Add one mana of any color […]

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You can flashback Ray of Revelation after Rest in Peace enters, before it exiles all graveyards.

You have a in your graveyard, and your opponent casts . Is there any way to use your Ray of Revelation to destroy it before it gets exiled anyway? Will that save the rest of your graveyard? When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, it has a triggered ability that will exile all graveyards. This […]

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