Die problematische Aurelia

Anton is attacking Natalie during their local GPT. Natalie casts a German targeting Anton’s attacking . Anton isn’t quite sure what the card does, so he asks, “Bounce it?” Natalie is distracted by combat math and simply replies, “Yep”. Anton puts the card in his hand, then they resolve combat damage. Anton attacks Natalie again, […]

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Good on you, Jim

Anna and Nalick are playing in a PTQ. Jim, a spectator, has asked them to pause and called you over. He explains this situation: At the end of Anna’s turn, Nalick taps out to play , choosing to draw a card. After it resolves Anna’s friend Ben says “You should probably cast that,” pointing to […]

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Athena is playing against Neptune at a GPT. Athena controls a . Neptune controls an with 3 red plastic beads on it. Athena casts a on the Elocutors, and Neptune places another red bead on it before sliding it across the table. Athena asks what the red beads represent, and Neptune replies, “I’ve just put […]

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The Fateseal Reveal

Aaron and Nadine are playing each other in the third round of a Legacy GPT. Aaron has a in play. He activates Jace’s +2 ability, and looks at the top card of Nadine’s library. He thinks for a moment, then shows it to Nadine and asks, “Is this the card you’re looking for?” while trying […]

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