Reasons to do things between first strike and regular combat damage.

Normally, when you think of first strike, you think “Alright, my guy gets to deal damage before that other guy, so my guy survives”. And that’s true. However, that’s not the only advantage there is. Let’s look at a few examples of what you might want to do after dealing first strike combat damage but […]

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Trostani and Scavenging Ooze for value

Today’s tip submitted by reader Nicholas Brown loves to gain you life. Sometimes its good to get a nice big creature popping into play to get you a good life swing. If you find yourself mid-game with some creatures already in the graveyard, you can utilize the stack to your benefit to get the maximum […]

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Elite Arcanist’s ability can trigger Young Pyromancer or Guttersnipe.

Today, for our Hump Day tip, we’re going to be looking at a Magic 2014 card with some potential: . The ability to repeatedly cast an instant is a powerful effect, and it has some synergy with some standard-legal cards, which brings us to today’s question. When you activate the Arcanist’s ability, you make a […]

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