Blood Scrivener and Miracles – It has to really be the first card.

Miracle states it only applies to the FIRST card you draw each turn. Really, the first one. Whenever Magic involves drawing cards, it’s actually done as individual actions, so when it says to draw 3, it means “draw 1, draw 1, draw 1” in principal. Hence, you have to reveal each of them when is […]

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Responding to Deathrite Shaman with Snapcaster Mage

Ahhh, the classic “Me firs- NO ME FIRST!” scenario in Magic. Remember folks, those who respond last, get to resolve first; a concept that NONE of the people in busy lines seem to grasp at my local amusement park. Following that principal in Magic, Deathrite Shaman’s ability states that, “Hey, pay {B} and tap me, […]

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A Progenitor Mimic copying Scion of Vitu-Ghazi will make birds when it enters the battlefield, but not on each upkeep.

Greetings, fellow students of Mat’Selesnya. I am pleased you’ve joined me here in Vitu-Ghazi to further your understanding of the ways of our guild. As future summoners and mages, it is crucial that you understand how to best direct our many allies in battle. For example, the is both a potent threat and a useful […]

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Turn // Burn vs. Enchantments // +1/+1 Counters

Alright, it’s time for everyone’s favorite topic: layers! Wait, please, stop, don’t go. We’re only going to be looking at the power and toughness layer, and after reading this, you won’t look so confused after you tried to Turn and Burn your opponent’s creature that’s enchanted by an Unflinching Courage and find out that the […]

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Scavenge can’t target creatures with Protection.

Scavenge is a fairly flavorful ability for green and black, since they love dead creatures. Having the ability to turn your dead creatures into counters for your living creatures seems like a pretty good trade off. However, protection won’t help you with your scavenge creatures very much The scavenge ability targets, and one of the […]

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