Triggered abilities are not played or cast, then automatically trigger when their trigger condition is met. Because of this, there is not a cost to have these abilities trigger. However many trigger do have costs associated with them when they resolve. This matters with cards like from Mirrodin Besieged. The Flamefiend’s ability triggers when it […]
Author: krizriktr
Hero of Bladehold has two combat triggered abilities.
has two triggered abilities that trigger whenever the Hero attacks; the Battle Cry ability that gives +1/+0 to other attacking creatures and a separate trigger that puts two 1/1 token creatures into play attacking. Because these two triggered abilities trigger at the same time, the controller of Hero of Bladehold will determine the order that […]
Zeniths go to yard if countered
Mirrodin Besieged has a five card cycle of very powerful spells with Zenith in the name. All of them refer to one of the suns on Mirrodin; for example, . One aspect of these cards that makes them so good is the fact that they are reusable. When a Zenith resolves, the card itself is […]
How Cascade works.
Cascade is a ability on some Alara Reborn non-permanent spells that triggers when the spell is played. This cascade triggered ability will go on the stack on top of the spell with the ability, and because of this the trigger will resolve first. When the triggered ability resolves the controller of the ability will exile […]
In 2HG, you attack an opposing team, not individual players.
In the multiplayer variant two-headed giant, you and your teammate share a combat phase and choose attacking creatures at the same time. These attacking creatures do not attack individual players, but the opposing team. The defending team can then use their creatures to block these attacking creatures. If an attacking creatures is unblocked or able […]
Planeswalker names and subtypes.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: This article has been updated as of the prerelease of Magic 2014 on July 13; Please refer to the revisions below. When one or more planeswalkers with the same subtype is in play, both will go to the graveyard when state-based actions are applied. How this works is different than the ‘legend rule’ […]
When Vengevine’s ability triggers.
‘s triggered ability is pretty easy to understand and deal with in most situations. But because the conditions placed on when it triggers, how it works in some games can get a bit odd. The easiest way think of Vengevine’s trigger is that it will trigger if these two conditions are true; 1) Vengevine is […]
What happens when Blightning resolves.
When resolves the targeted player will receive three points of damage and discard two card. The cards are discarded by the targeted player even if the damage is prevented or redirected to another player, creature or planeswawlker If the targeted player does not have at least two cards in hand, they will do as much […]
Elvish Archdruid’s +1/+1 ability doesn’t affect itself.
‘s static ability that gives Elves +1/+1 does not affect the Elvish Archdruid itself. This is because the ability specifically states that ‘other Elf creatures get +1/+1.’ However, when an object refers to itself by name it means that object only, unless specified. This means that with two Elvish Archdruids in play, each will give […]