Butcher of the Horde and Bloodsoaked Champion: Mardu Synergy

Today’s tip unfortunately doesn’t cover any of the new cards from Fate Reforged, but it’s still quite useful! is a pretty neat card, and it lets you turn your creatures (such as the goblin tokens from ) into value. But Rabblemaster might attack right into your opponent’s Manifest/Morph and die a horrible death. Without Rabblemaster […]

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Prerelease Primer: Dash

Welcome back to our Fate Reforged Prerelease Primer! Today we’ll be covering the Mardu’s new (or old, because time travel is weird like that) mechanic: Dash. Raid rewarded you for being aggressive before casting your spells- Dash works well with that, because it makes sure you’re attacking! Dash is an alternate cost (usually a cheaper […]

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Courser of Kruphix and Drawing Multiple Cards

So, we’ve covered a couple of situations where YOU know what the top few cards of your library are, but your opponent doesn’t, even with on board. Today, we’re covering a situation where Courser makes information a little more symmetrical- drawing many cards! With Scry and and things like that, your top card only actually […]

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