Trostani and Scavenging Ooze for value

Today’s tip submitted by reader Nicholas Brown loves to gain you life. Sometimes its good to get a nice big creature popping into play to get you a good life swing. If you find yourself mid-game with some creatures already in the graveyard, you can utilize the stack to your benefit to get the maximum […]

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Elite Arcanist’s ability can trigger Young Pyromancer or Guttersnipe.

Today, for our Hump Day tip, we’re going to be looking at a Magic 2014 card with some potential: . The ability to repeatedly cast an instant is a powerful effect, and it has some synergy with some standard-legal cards, which brings us to today’s question. When you activate the Arcanist’s ability, you make a […]

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Aurelia and Legion’s Initiative

Imagine. Aurelia and her trusty attack. After this attack, Aurelia asks herself “Hey, is this the first time I’ve attacked this turn?”, she thinks for a bit. “Why yes Aurelia, yes indeed this is the first time I’ve attacked this turn. ANOTHER!” And she triggers, untapping her White Knight (and herself if she didn’t have […]

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