Aether Revolt Prerelease Week: Energy Refresher

Welcome back to Aether Revolt Prerelease Week! Today we’re going over another returning mechanic from Kaladesh (and boy is it a doozy): Energy. Lots of spells and abilities from this block will grant you Energy counters. These counters are put on you, the player (much like Poison or Experience counters), and can be spent in […]

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Aether Revolt Prerelease Week: Vehicle Refresher

Welcome back to Aether Revolt Prerelease Week! Today we’re going over Vehicles, a returning card type and mechanic from Kaladesh. Vehicles have a unique card frame, including a Power and Toughness box on the bottom right, even though they aren’t creatures… normally. All Vehicles have an ability called “Crew”, which is always followed by a […]

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Bomat Courier: No Strength in Numbers!

Welcome back to the Rules Tip Blog! Today we’ll be going over a tricky little delivery-robot, . On the surface it’s fairly simple; a 1/1 with Haste for 1 mana. Whenever it attacks, you exile the top card of your library face-down. The tricky bit is the third ability: You can pay a red mana, […]

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Aetherflux Reservoir Management Procedures

Welcome back! For today’s Kaladesh-based tip, we’ll be talking about the newest addition to my lifegain EDH deck: . It gains life and shoots giant life-total-powered doom lasers; what’s not to love? The first ability seems straightforward; every time you cast a spell, you gain life equal to the number of spells you’ve cast this […]

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Crewing Cultivator’s Caravan

Welcome back to the Rules Tip Blog! We sure missed you. Today we’ll be starting on our tips from Kaladesh! To start with, we’ll cover crewing, and crewing a specific card: . Every Vehicle has the Crew ability, which is followed by a number (in this case, Crew 3). That means that anytime you have […]

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Kaladesh Prerelease Week: Energy!

Welcome back to the Prerelease Week! Today we’ll be going over the last of the new mechanics from Kaladesh: Energy. This mechanic has actually been kicking around R&D since the original Mirrodin, waiting for a set to be used in, and now we have it! Many of the cards in Kaladesh give you energy in […]

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Kaladesh Prerelease Week: Vehicles!

Welcome back to the Rules Tip Blog! With the Kaladesh Prerelease coming up this very weekend, we’ll be going over some general tips for the prerelease, as well as a little tutorial on the new mechanics of the set. We’ll start this crash course (I will not apologize for the pun) on the first: Vehicles! […]

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Selfless Spirit and Kozilek’s Return

Welcome back to the Rules Tip Blog! Today we’ll be going over the interaction between and . Spirit is a sort of update on an old favorite, ; a creature you can pop to save the rest of your team if needed- but this time at half the cost. A lot of the time it’s […]

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How to Use Geier Reach Sanitarium

Drawing cards is fun, right? Lands that draw cards are even more fun, right? Well, is a fun card! It’s pretty simple on the surface: You can tap it for a colorless mana to cast spells and pay for various things (as is normal for most lands), but you can also use it to spread […]

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