Sin Collector doesn’t return the exiled card when it dies.

is a charming fellow, you know. He doesn’t take any particular pleasure or satisfaction from exiling your instants and sorceries. He just feels that those powerful spells can weigh heavily on any planeswalker’s mind. He knows it’s best to…relieve…them of their burdens. Don’t you agree? Sin Collector’s ability triggers when he enters the battlefield, and […]

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Teysa will create a token even if the creature is regenerated or indestructible.

Guild champions were promised to us early on, and most of them deliver. They’re legendary creatures, one from each Ravnica guild, with big splashy effects. One of the first ones revealed was the new . She costs seven mana, but she’s hard to take down, and she dissuades attacks. Her triggered ability destroys creatures that […]

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You can’t take 4 for Vexing Devil if there’s a Torpor Orb around.

is a strange and unique card. It makes things that normally happen simply not happen. So abilities that you might really want to trigger from a creature entering the battlefield… won’t. It will shut down your life gain from (but doesn’t stop persist) or your card draw from . But it also works the other […]

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“Eggs” vs. Rest in Peace – Know when NOT to draw.

These two artifacts look very similar, and both see play in the popular and successful “Eggs” deck in Modern. But since is also a very popular sideboard card, you should be careful to note the difference! is rather unique. It includes “Draw a card.” in the same ability as “Add one mana of any color […]

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Elvish Archdruid Won’t Trigger Gyre Sage

If there’s one thing Elves love [beyond having Hobbits do their dirty work, but that’s another plane entirely], it’s mana. Lots and lots of mana. Enormous, obscene piles of green mana, ready to be converted into an astoundingly large spell, or into many little elves, who will make even more mana. Continuing the trend of […]

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