Flinthoof Boar and Evolve

is part of a cycle in M13, and it’s a pretty neat cycle! They’re all uncommon mono-colored creatures that have an ability which requires an allied color of mana to activate, and they get +1/+1 if you control a corresponding basic. Flinthoof Boar is a 2/2 for 2 that gets +1/+1 if you control a […]

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Miracle doesn’t work when a card is revealed for Duskmantle Seer or Dark Confidant.

Cards, cards, cards, cards, cards, cards, everybody! Everyone loves drawing cards, right? And it’s even better when these cards are miracles! Miracles are a special group of cards from the Avacyn Restored set that you can sometimes cast for a reduced cost. However, Avacyn is very particular about how she hands out her blessings. In […]

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Duskmantle Seer killing both players will result in a draw.

is a throwback to one of the most powerful cards in Magic history: . Like Dark Confidant, the Seer will let you have an extra card on each of your turns, for the low, low cost of your life total. Unlike most vampires, Mr. Duskmantle is actually very generous — he lets your opponent get […]

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Thrull Parasite can slow the Assembling of a Legion, but it can’t stop it completely.

A slow, inevitable death. That’s pretty much what brings to the table. Every turn, the Legion gets another counter, and you get another batch of tokens. If you leave the Legion unchecked, it’s going to overwhelm you. Sure, there’s always enchantment removal, but sometimes that’s not an option. Are there any outside the box ideas […]

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Boros Reckoner can’t kill a beast token from the Thragtusk it blocked.

“Judge, I blocked my opponent’s Thragtusk with Boros Reckoner. After they kill each other, is there a way I can use Reckoner’s trigger to kill the Beast token, too?” Your opponent may be protesting at this point “judges can’t give strategic advice!” but it turns out that according to the rules, there’s only one legal […]

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Leyline Phantom can block Armored Transport without bouncing.

does funny things in combat. Well, funny as in if it’s blocked by a creature, that creature does nothing at all! Preventing the damage dealt to it in combat means things such as lifelink and deathtouch won’t apply for the blocking creature (Note that prevention effects are a kind of replacement effect, it’s not that […]

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