Casting Ajani’s Pridemate while you have Staff of the Sun Magus – No counter for you!

The Staves all trigger when a spell is cast, so that trigger must resolve before the spell that caused it to trigger can resolve. If you cast Ajani's Pridemate, you gain the life before it actually enters, so it won't be around to trigger on that life gain and therefore won't gain a counter.

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It’s a conspiracy (week)! Hidden Agendas and Naming

Hey there, gang! Remember way back on Monday when I offhandedly mentioned there were some conspiracies you didn’t reveal right away? Well, now is the day that we’ll actually be talking about those! As we covered earlier in the week, some of the Conspiracies start the game in your Command Zone, face-up, already doing something […]

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Kruphix and Mana Restrictions

is a very powerful card. As a result, many people are using him as their commander in the Commander format. One thing that can be confusing is how he interacts with special lands. Sometimes, permanents can create mana with restrictions. They could be as simple as “This mana can only be spent on a cost […]

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Journey into Nyx Mechanics Week – Constellation and Strive

All right, we’re finally getting to the new mechanics of the set! Let’s dive right in, shall we? Journey into Nyx has only two new mechanics (common for a small third set, since it’s also got returning mechanics from the two prior sets). Those mechanics are Constellation and Strive. Constellation ties in with the enchantment […]

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