Divine Deflection vs. Olivia Voldaren (a study in state-based actions).

Times are tough for your Olivia Voldaren. She came down right on schedule on Turn 4, but your opponent immediately stabbed her with , reducing her to a mere 1/1. Fortunately, your opponent has a juicy 1/1 Human token, ripe for the plucking (and the vamping)! You untap and immediately direct your vampire queen towards […]

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Why Tarfire can never kill Tarmogoyf by itself.

For our second tip, we cover everyone’s favorite beater with confusing artwork, . Good old Goofy is a Legacy staple because he’s an astoundingly efficient creature for 2 mana, since this format tends to fill graveyards quickly and with a diverse range of card types. What some of you might not know is that killing […]

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Triumph of Ferocity’s “if” is not intervening, but it still checks at resolution.

RAWR! Looking at exhibit A, , it has one and only one responsibility: to trigger on your upkeep. Now, this triggered ability will trigger on each of your upkeeps no matter what the situation: if the board’s empty, if your opponent controls a creature bigger than yours, or if your opponent has a billion creatures […]

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Sphinx’s Revelation vs. Havoc Festival – You can draw cards even if you won’t gain life.

In Magic, there is a “Golden rule” that you should always remember. Basically, it says that “can’t” overrides “can”. So lets explore what happens when Narcissa controls , and Annabelle casts . Sphinx’s Revelation says to gain X life, while Havoc Festival says players can’t gain life. Can’t > Can. No life will be gained. […]

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Detention Sphere can exile your opponent’s hexproof creature if you target your own.

More fun with ! As you may already know, Detention Sphere only has one target. Thanks to that, you can get it to exile things it can’t target, by targeting something it shares a name with. For example, if your opponent has a that has gained hexproof for some reason, and one that does not, […]

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Sundering Growth can populate a token your opponent stole with Spirit Away.

You had an 8/8 elemental token, but your opponent stole it with ! What happens when you destroy the enchantment with ? When resolving a spell, you follow the instructions of that spell in order as written in the text box. In the case of Sundering Growth, the first thing is to destroy the enchantment. […]

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How Odric’s ability works (yes, you can choose ‘no blocks’).

Interestingly enough, Odric requires 3 other creatures to attack alongside him in order to employ his masterful tactics. That means you need to declare at least 4 creatures (including Odric) as attacking when you begin your declare attackers step. You can’t attack with just Odric and a spirit token and , because the Angel that […]

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