You can target indestructible permanents with spells and abilities that would destroy them.

Permanents with indestructible means that a permanent cannot be destroyed by effects that would destroy it or by receiving lethal damage. However that does not mean that indestructible permanents cannot be targeted by spells and abilities that would attempt to destroy them. For example, you can use ‘s activated ability and target a . When […]

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When you gain life with Engulfing Slagwurm’s ability.

‘s ability triggers whenever it blocks or becomes blocked by a creature. (As mentioned in a previous rules tip, this ability will trigger once for each individual creature that blocks it or for each creature it blocks.) When this ability resolves, the specific blocked or blocking creature is destroyed and the controller of the Slagwurm […]

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Spellskite can’t be targeted by the same spell or ability twice.

When a spell or ability asks for multiple targets while only using the word “target” once, you must choose different targets.  Some spells use the word “target” more than once, but specify “another target,” and the same concept applies. In the case of ‘s triggered ability, the number of targets chosen is locked in when its […]

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