
Athena is playing against Neptune at a GPT. Athena controls a . Neptune controls an with 3 red plastic beads on it. Athena casts a on the Elocutors, and Neptune places another red bead on it before sliding it across the table. Athena asks what the red beads represent, and Neptune replies, “I’ve just put […]

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The Fateseal Reveal

Aaron and Nadine are playing each other in the third round of a Legacy GPT. Aaron has a in play. He activates Jace’s +2 ability, and looks at the top card of Nadine’s library. He thinks for a moment, then shows it to Nadine and asks, “Is this the card you’re looking for?” while trying […]

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Can you hear me now?

Alan and Nate are playing in the penultimate round of a PTQ, and they are both high in the standings. Time has ended in the round and Alan just finished extra turn number 5, yet there is no winner. Both players agree that a draw will knock them out of top 8 contention, but neither […]

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Guard your Words

Annie attacks with two 1/1 faerie tokens and a into Nami’s empty board. Nami, who is at 5 life and has an empty graveyard, is playing a deck heavy in removal. She asks, “I might have to kill that Goyf… What’s in your graveyard?” Annie replies, “Just this enchantment and a land.” Nami then says […]

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