Thalia and the Gitaxian Probe of DOOM!

Andrew and Nicholas are playing a match in a Competitive REL event. Andrew begins casting by announcing to Nicholas, “Probe you, paying 2 life”. Nicholas points out that he controls . Although Andrew has several untapped lands whichcould produce the mana necessary to cast the Gitaxian Probe, he does not wish to use them. Nicholas does not […]

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Tamiyo and the Extra Card of Azkaban

At a PTQ Antoine asks his opponent: “How many creatures do you control tapped?” Neil answers “Four” and Antoine activates ‘s second activated ability targeting Neil. Antoine resolves Tamiyo’s ability drawing four cards, and after Antoine puts the 4th card in his hand they both notice a tapped counted as a creature, and call for a […]

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Bloodgift Demon

At a Standard GPT (REL Competitive), Adam controls a . After Nadine passes her turn, Adam untaps, draws a card and immediately proceeds to the Declare Attackers Step. He attacks with both and some other creatures. Nadine casts a , targeting Bloodgift Demon, to which Adam responds by casting Undying Evil, remarking: “This badass is […]

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Phyrexian Revoker

Adam and Nadine are playing in a Standard PTQ. Nadine controls an . Adam casts , and names for the Revoker’s enters-the-battlefield replacement effect, then passes the turn. During her turn, Nadine casts . Two turns later, Nadine carefully re-reads , and notices that it specifies the named card must be nonland. Nadine calls a […]

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