Kalitas Week! Who Gets The Tokens?

Good morning and welcome to Kalitas Week here at the Rules Tip Blog. We’ve been noticing an awful lot of questions about the new popping up, so we thought we’d take a whole week to address just questions about Kalitas. Kalitas’ has an ability that sets up a replacement effect: it replaces one event (in […]

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Devoid 101: Mostly Colorless Spells and You!

Welcome back to Battle for Zendikar mechanics week! Today we’re covering one of the Eldrazi’s mechanics: Devoid. While there’s a fair few truly colorless Eldrazi in this set (such as or ), the majority of the “smaller” ones you’ll encounter in a Limited environment have colored mana costs, just like the original ones from Rise […]

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All About Converge

Welcome back! For today’s Battle for Zendikar mechanic tip we’ll be covering Converge! Converge works very similarly to the Sunburst mechanic from Fifth Dawn- the more colors of mana you sink into the spell, the stronger it gets. For Sunburst that meant charge counters and +1/+1 counters; for Converge, it just means more of everything! […]

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