Tournament Tuesday: Pillory of The Sleepless

Welcome to this week’s installment of Tournament Tuesday! Today’s topic: Triggers! Handling triggers and rules involving triggers have changed throughout the years so it’s important we all stay on the same page. Let’s use as an example, since it gives an opponent’s creature a detrimental trigger. effectively imprints its text on to the creature it […]

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Modern Masters Week: I’ve got Soul(shift)

Welcome back to Modern Masters Week! Today, we’ll be covering… Soulshift! No points for guessing, I told you that yesterday. Soulshift is another mechanic from Kamigawa block, which was heavily laden with Spirit creatures. Put simply, Soulshift lets you get back OTHER Spirits when your current Spirits end up dead. It’s always followed by a […]

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Raving Dead Triggers After Damage

There has always been some confusion among players with how triggered abilities work. Sometimes the ability is so clearly written it just makes sense. Sometimes however, cards like use language that creates a slight amount of ambiguity as to when an effect takes place. Today we will discuss specifically, and hopefully leave you with a […]

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Exploit Week: Exploiting Opponents for Fun and Profit

And to close out Exploit week, we finish with possibly the wackiest interaction you’ll run into during a Dragons of Tarkir involved Limited event: what happens if you steal your opponent’s creature in response to Exploit! It won’t come up much, because the majority of creature-theft is in the form of sorcery effects like , […]

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Exploit Week: Exploiting Yourself for Fun and Profit

So, we’ve covered what happens when your opponent kills your Sidisi in response to the trigger (you get no tutor, but can still sac), and what happens if they destroy the creature you were going to sac (You can sac something else, but don’t have to). But what happens if you play an Exploit creature […]

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Exploit Week: Trying to Kill the Potential Sacrifice

Welcome back to Exploit Week here on the Rules Blog! Today we’ll be covering the OTHER way of messing up Exploit (or trying to, at least): Killing the potential sacrifice. Now, as you learned yesterday, the Exploiting player doesn’t select a creature to sacrifice until the Exploit trigger itself resolves. While many of them will […]

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