How to Use Geier Reach Sanitarium

Drawing cards is fun, right? Lands that draw cards are even more fun, right? Well, is a fun card! It’s pretty simple on the surface: You can tap it for a colorless mana to cast spells and pay for various things (as is normal for most lands), but you can also use it to spread […]

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Brain In A Jar and Fuse

Welcome back! Today we’ll be covering how interacts with split cards- especially the ones with Fuse, printed in the Return to Ravnica block. Split cards are a bit different from ‘normal’ cards; instead of having just one thing, it’s basically two smaller cards printed on the same piece of card stock, usually forming a saying […]

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Summary Dismissal and Uncounterable Spells

There’s not a lot of uncounterable spells kicking around in Standard right now, but there ARE a few (like and a Spell Mastery-enabled ), and they’re alongside some weird “counterspells”: and . Unsubstantiate is a sort of ‘new’ version of an old favorite, , or a creature-free version of . Rather than outright countering a […]

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Corrupted Grafstone: What Can It Do?

is an interesting mana rock. It can make many different colors, but only costs 2 instead of the usual 3! To make up for that, it comes in tapped the turn you play it, and it requires a little work to get going. It has a normal mana ability (because it isn’t a loyalty ability […]

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More About Emerge!

Today we’ll take a break from Her Noodliness and discuss Emerge, one of the mechanics from Eldritch Moon. It saw some play at the Pro Tour last weekend, so we’ll go over a few things so you know what to do when you’re playing it, or playing against it this weekend at Game Day! Emerge […]

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Emrakul and End of Round Procedures!

Welcome back to the Post Pro Tour Week! Today we’re going over another bit of : her extra turn creation! Specifically we’ll be going over how it works in the context of the End of Round Procedures at a sanctioned event. As you probably know, sanctioned events usually have timed rounds, and if you’re still […]

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How to Coax From the Blind Eternities

Some years back during Judgment, we got a cycle of rares called the Wishes. All of them would pull cards from outside the game INTO the game. Since those original five, we’ve gotten a few other “wish” type cards, including the new . Coax will pull any Eldrazi card you own from the Exile zone […]

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Lunar Force: Bad In Multiples!

There’s been a neat enchantment heavy deck kicking around, making use of , the ‘new and improved’ version of old favorite . Lunar Force is pretty simple to decipher- it’s like a counterspell you don’t have control over, but that you pay for in advance, freeing you up to do other things while hiding behind […]

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