The only requirement for arranging stuff on the battlefield is that the game state is clear to all players.

One of the biggest questions a lot of judges receive is the way people arrange their cards on the battlefield. Players may organize their cards on the battlefield in any way they see fit, provided it does not cause confusion. For example, some people place their where their lands are, and there is nothing inherently […]

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There are no Game Loss penalties at Regular REL (FNM, Pre/Release Parties, Game Day, etc.).

For those of you that don’t know, there are different ‘rules enforcement levels’ (RELs) for Magic tournaments. The one we’ll talk about today is Regular REL. This is the level you can expect at most events; Prereleases, Release Parties, Game Days, FNMs, etc. At this REL, the Infraction Procedure Guide (the document that Judges use […]

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How the Heartless Summoning + Havengul Lich combo works.

As you might have guessed by now, we’re doing a special Combo Week this week! I got saddled with (in my opinion) the most hilarious combo in Standard right now: Heartless Lich. But how does it work? First, you need to control and a . You also need a (either in the graveyard or in […]

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