Spells leave the stack as the last action when they resolve.

Yesterday, the rules tip looked at what happens when you play a spell and the card representing the spell goes on the stack as the first thing that happens. The inverse of that is when a spell resolves, the very last thing that happens is that the spell will leave the stack and (most often) […]

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You don’t control your opponent’s equipment or auras on ‘stolen’ creatures.

There are many ways to gain control of a permanent that is under another player’s control. For example, will do so temporarily, while will do so as long as the Mind Control remains attached to this creature. It is important to note that you do not gain control of any equipment or auras that are […]

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Creatures are no longer attacking or blocking once combat ends.

Attacking or blocking is a status that is given to creatures in combat when they attack or block. A creature will become either attacking or blocking when legal blocks or attacks are made. This status will remain until the combat phase ends. For example, a creature that was attacking earlier in a turn is not […]

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Transform (double-faced cards) is different from Morph.

Flipping cards over is not a new thing in Magic–the morph mechanic has been around since the Onslaught block. However, turning a card face-down is very different from transforming a double-faced card. These two effects are very different and do not interact at all (in fact, it’s impossible to ever turn a double-faced card face-down). […]

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