Werewolves count spells from a single player to see if they should transform.

Transforming werewolves were some of the most iconic cards from the original Innistrad block, and it’s no surprise that they made a return in Shadows Over Innistrad. We’re going to go over how werewolves can transform back and forth. Like all double-faced cards, werewolves start out on their front side. No matter what kind of […]

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Arlinn Kord (Embraced by the Moon) can’t activate another ability after she transforms.

To round out the week, we’ll take a look at , who isn’t the legendary werewolf creature players have been howling for, but is quite possibly the next best thing. Unlike her werewolf brethren (and precedential flip-walker, ), Arlinn is something special: she can control her transformation, and can even transform back and forth “at […]

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Sorin, Grim Nemesis’s +1 ability with X spells and Split Cards

Speaking of vampires that sparkle in the sunlight (if you missed Monday’s article, go check it out right now) we’re moving on to Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Innistrad’s resident planeswalker. Sorin’s +1 ability is something we’ve seen before, notably on Modern poster-boy Dark Confidant. Unlike that card, however, Sorin comes with a twist: you put the […]

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