Exploit Week: Trying to Kill the Potential Sacrifice

Welcome back to Exploit Week here on the Rules Blog! Today we’ll be covering the OTHER way of messing up Exploit (or trying to, at least): Killing the potential sacrifice. Now, as you learned yesterday, the Exploiting player doesn’t select a creature to sacrifice until the Exploit trigger itself resolves. While many of them will […]

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Enduring Scalelord Combo

The Dromoka brood might have forbidden the Abzan’s ancestor worship, but they sure kept the love of +1/+1 counters! Not only does Bolster bring your weakest creatures up to snuff with the rest, the Dromoka have a lot of fun with counters in general. A perfect example of this is one of their big baddies, […]

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Temporal Trespass And Rebound

Rebound is always great fun (for the player using it at least!)- you get double the spell, after all. Generally that doubling is factored into the cost, but when you use something like to apply Rebound to ‘normal’ spells, things can get pretty crazy. Who wouldn’t want to double up on their s or their […]

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